Saturday, November 6, 2010


Thursday wasn't horrible, around 850 calories. Friday around 1,100 probs (Mom made my fav dinner). Today, just horrible. Didn't even try. Well I did actually but I just gave in. Mostly picking at food today, but still it's probs gonna be close to 2,000 today. And tomorrow probably won't be any better. I'm going back to school Monday morning b/c I just don't want to go back tomorrow. Gonna eat 1 apple and 1 cucumber on Monday, seriously. At home, I tried on these pair of Diesel jeans I bought two years ago. size 28. They were always really tight, but I couldn't even get this totally over my fat butt. I haven't wore them in about 1 year, but still. That's my ultimate goal right now. When I am able to comfortably fit into those jeans, I will be the happiest girl in the world! But that's like 20 pounds away. My stomach is making such loud noises right now b/c it's probably so pissed at me for stuffing it with nonsense. Gonna go watch the game with my dad now. Hopefully no more eating.

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