Monday, December 27, 2010

Crunch Time

Ok so Christmas day was filled w/ merriment, joy and food. Lots and lots of food. I went to Italian an Black houses to share the love and food, so lots of fat, meats, cheeses, desserts, etc. So let's not speak of it again. Had my senna tea tho. The 26th wasn't too bad. My dad made croissants for breakfast, I had half of one. Then I just kept munching on leftovers and little nibbles around the house. My dad let me have some of his water pills yesterday, which he says helps with getting rid of excess water...totally stealing more of those while I'm home...I had senna tea last night also, but I haven't gone to the bathroom let, and it's 6pm...hmmm. I think the water pills helped b/c I'm down to 137.4 today!

So MAJOR snowstorm hit last night and my town was covered in 14 inches of snow! Note: snow shoveling is great exercise! Burned 186 calories by shoveling for 30min! I burned 402 calories yesterday by hula hooping w/ my weighted hoop for 70mins (in increments). Awesomeness! Couldn't go to the gym today b/c of the storm, going tomorrow tho since the streets should be better. So far today I had breakfast w/ my dad and uncle after shoveling at the town diner and had an egg white frittata w/ feta, romano, spinach, onions, potatoes, and katamala olives, and 5 fries stolen from my dad's plate. I didn't finish the frittata, probs ate 3/4th of it. I'll say 400 calories. There's a football game on tonight so that means I'll be downstairs w/ my parents for about 3 hours. I'll be hula hooping w/ my non-weighted hoop during halftime, and I really need to NOT EAT during that time. Sipping on my bouillon cube stock right now and I need to do that during the game. No more than 700 calories per day until New Years people! Gotta get to 133!!!

Hope you all had a great Christmas and look forward to the New Year! Stay positive!

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